The Art of Science for Entreprenuer — The Law of Gravity

Suman Tamang
3 min readApr 4, 2024


Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

So, what’s the deal with this Law of Gravity stuff? Well, it’s not just about apples falling from trees or planets orbiting the sun.

It’s about attraction, my friend. Not the lovey-dovey kind, but the kind that pulls opportunities and success towards you like a magnet.

This law is profound yet straightforward: it states that any two masses are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. While this might sound like a scientific jargon fest, I assure you its implications reach far beyond physics. What do you attract my friend?

Let’s focus on linguistics for a second. The term ‘gravity’ derives from the Latin word ‘gravitas,’ which translates to weight, seriousness, and dignity. Intriguingly, the etymological root ‘grav-’ signifies ‘to draw or pull.’ For an entrepreneur, the concept of ‘gravitas’ extends to your ability to attract — whether it’s clients, opportunities, or partnerships. Just as a massive celestial body exerts a gravitational pull, your ‘weight’ or ‘substance’ in the business realm determines the caliber of individuals and opportunities you’ll attract.

So how does one build this entrepreneurial gravitas?

Firstly, take your business seriously. In every action, demonstrate a level of professionalism and excellence that screams ‘gravitas.’ Your gravitas becomes your gravitational field, drawing in more substantial opportunities and repelling the fluff that often clouds the entrepreneurial landscape.

Second, let’s talk about ‘mass,’ metaphorically speaking. Your mass in business isn’t just financial capital; it’s your social capital, your intellectual property, your skills, and even your reputation. The greater your ‘mass,’ the greater your influence and pulling power.

And here’s a juicy nugget: distance. In the realm of gravity, the closer the objects, the stronger the pull. In business, the more accessible and visible you are to your clients, mentors, and partners, the more magnetic your pull. Isolation diminishes your gravitational field. So, don’t be a lone star in the vastness of space; be the centre of attention!

Understanding the Law of Gravity in this sense gives you a different worldview through which you can view your journey. If you’re wondering why you’re not attracting the right opportunities or the right people, perhaps it’s time to examine your ‘gravitational pull.’ What are you doing to increase your ‘mass’? How close are you to the action? Be honest with yourself.

Your ability to apply the Law of Gravity in an entrepreneurial context is not just a fanciful analogy; it’s a strategic framework. Take this seriously. Contemplate your business’s gravitas, its pull, its force of attraction. The universe plays by this law, and so should you. IYKYK

Evaluate the influence and size of your entrepreneurial “mass” today. How can you effectively grow it? What can you do to decrease the distance between you and your goals? Who do you have to meet? The Law of Gravity is unforgiving but also incredibly rewarding for those who understand it.

Think about it. Reflect on it. Heck, even jot down some ideas.

Network relentlessly, stay in the public eye, keep providing value, and you’ll find that people will naturally ‘gravitate’ towards you.

See you in the next one.



Suman Tamang

Just An Internet Guy Who Help You Grow Your Business Empire. These Are My Thoughts ⬇️